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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  September 14, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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quo. i say only this. do you really believe that the absence of sound regulation when year-ago was good for the financial system? >> the president wants a new regulatory agency become stricter rules prohibiting him rules, and laws against predatory lenders. >> it is the bank's fault for giving out loans without surly investigating. >> i would say the public in general for making irresponsible decisions. >> the banks were lending at home once they could not afford. >> people need to take responsibility. >> personally, i think is the bank's responsibility. that is why theyo credit checks. >> if you cannot afford it, do not get it. >> aflac oversight is in part to blame. blame is shared with the banks, reckless investors, and consumers who took on too debt.
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the president did reich today about the 70% return that taxpayers will get from paybacks on the bailout. he defended a controversial decision about the trade dispute over tires with china. abc 7 news. one year after the lehman brothers collapse, the associated press had a poll down that eight out of 10 people think the economy is in poor shape. seven of 10 think the governme has not taken enough steps rents and other financial catastrophe. we are following a developing story out of new york city. but there is a terror probe. they conducted a search in queens. federal authorities have linked members of congress to the probe. they do not know who was going to carry it out.
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for the latest on health care reform, a new abc poll is showing in nation divided on the administration's handling of health care reform trade according to the poll, 40% of american apove. the server was conducted thursday-saturday after the president's address to congress. it has a margin of error -- error of 3%. he is said to a rally in college park on thursday. while, the efforts to crack health care legislation to take a big step forward as it is tomorrow. if the senate finance coittee chairman baucus is his bipartisan gang of six is nearing closure on his health care bill. the baucus plan is the only one be worked out with republicans. former white house press secretary has died. the former press secretary for jimmy carter died early this afternoon in his maryland home from an apparent heart attack.
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he was the ceo of a public relations firm. general motors is taking an unusual step by proving the quality cars by offering a money back if you are not satisfied. >> the program starts today, and we are live at a dealership. it >> this could be a little bit of a risky strategy. if it works, it could help the new gm established or begin establishing a reputation for quality and maybe win back some of the customers. if it does not work in the cars and coming back, it could be very hard to fathom his people to buy gm and moving forward. this man is buying this brand new camaro. >> i feel is a very nice card. -- car. >> general motors is putting their money where their quality is. if you buy a new 2009 or 2010,
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you'll like it,. if you do not, you have a 60 day money back guarantee. >> giving the customer and opportunity to take it back is great. >> they get better gas mileage and cost less. they look great. >> she is looking r a more fuel-efficient car and is thinking a lot harder about buying a chevrolet mailbu after learning about the money back guarantee griquas they are sticking their necks out there. -- money back guarantee. >> they are sticking their necks out there. >> the program has very little in the way of the fine print preview must buy between today and november 31st. the car cannot have more than 4,000 miles on it, current on your payments, and there is a limit of one return per household. if you bring it back, they will
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refund the purchase price plus sales tax and the car will be sold as used. the dealers and gm will eat a loss if you bring the car back. the gm unit in europe did a similar deal last year. the dealer that we talked to said they would immediately put those on their used-car lot which does not have a lot of inventory, so they stay confident they will be able to move them one way or another. abc 7 news. virginia officials are pressing for a november 9th this project execution dateor the mastermind of a 2002 sniper attack. the prosecutor has asked the judges said the day. he was sentenced to death for the murder of dean myers, one of 10 people shot to that -- shot to death. new toll lanes to be headed
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to 66. there are revisiting a long-term study examining potential solutions for congested interstate. toll lanes are one option. lawmakers rejected a sales tax to pay for northern virginia transportation projects. since then, public-private partnerships ever funded those improvements. we do have funded these improvements. there was an elevator outage at the washington monument. several people were stuck at the top of the monument during the outage. they escorted the group down some 900 steps. still ahead, we take a look at senator ted kennedy is a memoir. >> straight ahead, please have new clues in the hamas and investigation of a yale graduate student just days beforeer wedding.
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>> he didn't -- dirty love is beautiful weather? enjoy it while less. changes are coming.
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before i started this job, i admit, i had some doubts. probably a lot like you. but i like what i found. i think you will too. car for car, when compared to the competition, we win. simple as that. i just know if you get into one of our cars, you're gonna like what you see. so we're putting our money where our mouth is. buy a new chevy, buick, gmc or cadillac and if you are not 100% happy, return it. we'll take it back. that's our new 60-day satisfaction grantee. and as always you'll get our 100,000-mile, 5-year powertrain warranty on every vehicle. that's how strongly we feel about our cars. and how committed we are to you.
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so put us to the test-- put us up against anyone and may the best car win. a connecticut medical examiner confirm that the body found sunday at yale university is the body of the 24-year-old graduate student at disappeared
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last week. the found her body sunday concealed in the wall at the laboratory building. no, from police on the suspect, but sources tell abc there is one man who failed a lie detector test and showed signs of defensive wounds. >> our hearts go out to the family of annie lee, her fiance. >> sources say the police found a bug -- bloody clothing behind ceiling tiles. she was discovered on the same day she was supposed to be married. her fiance is not an aspect not a suspect. there are more than 600 possible cases of possible swine flu. there are reporting some forward 35 cases at the university of maryland. georgetown is reporting at least 50. most of the symptoms have been mild. operating in the district
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since 1879, they have lost their activation -- accredation. the founder the small private college and was having money problems. the 645 students enrolled, 300 graduated last june and the others transferred. still ahead, a look inside senator kennedy's memoirs. we have a check on our forecast and more on a cooling trend later this week. i will break down yesterday's losses to the giants. the redskins showed some of the same old problems yesterday. wait till you hear the $100 million man and how coach zorn
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growing up we didn't have much, but education was always a priority. my mom sent me off to college with just four 20-dollar bills. so i know that education is the best investment virginia can make for our children and in our future. narrator: endorsed for governor by classroom teachers for his record protecting our schools... creigh deeds' plan to rebuild our economy starts with education. more accountability... and expanded college opportunities. creigh deeds. no one more committed to our children's future. no leader more prepared to move virginia forward. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪'s the money you could be saving with geico.
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♪ who's watching? ♪ i always feel like (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... ♪ somebody's watching me.'s the money you could be saving with geico. publishers to the rest of the first covers of senator kennedy's official nemours just weeks after his death from brain cancer. >> the book chronicles his stride to of the disadvantaged and his family's fear about possible assassination attempts.
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>> it took 532 pages for him to tell the story of his life, a journey shaped by his father's call to make a difference. >> if you are not interested in a purposeful, useful, constructive life i want you to know that i have other children that are out that intended to have a purposeful and constructive life. >> this was his last interview given six months before the 77- year-old died of brain cancer last month. >> my dad was one who never took on adversity without a lot of hope and a sense of determination to overcome whatever obstacles were in his way. >> his son's sahis father refused to worry about a danger even though his two older brothers were assassinated. >> we were alws mindful whenever he went out in public. but if there was a person who wanted to become instantaneously
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famous? we were worried. >> his son's is that he accomplished all he wanted in his months after the cancer diagnosis. he alerted to lean on his family after decades of offering a strong seller himself. >> who was a towering figure in our lives. so, the fact that he could express at vulnerability to us was a meaningful thing for all of us. >> senator kennedy reportedly never held a copy of this book even though the publisher moved up the book released in hopes that he could. abc 7 news, washington. what a gorgeous day today. >> it worked out well. after tomorrow, the week is going to go downhill. it will get cooler, cloudier, and a damper. -- and damper.
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outside right now, it is sunny and warm. let's make a few steps on our weatherbug network. lots of sunshine in bethesda. you do not have as much time after work to go out and enjoy the sunset. sunset is about one hour and five minutes, by my count. 79 degrees in winchester. official numbers from oregon national, the high was 84. -- from reagan national. we agree to see some clouds rolling and tomorrow and eventually cooler temperatures, moisture in the air, and patches of rain. that forecast may last for a while. first things first, look at these numbers. ted rogers will fall to the 70's and will be cooler overnight. -- temperatures will fall. the rains have been terrific
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over portions of texas. there were under a huge drought. to much of a good thing down there. some locations had up to 12 inches of rain. -- too much of a good thing. we could see some steady rain by thursday. a cold front will have our way tomorrow. the clouds will increase. coming from the north, there are showers and thunderstorms. you can see this span, it will try to drift off to the east and northeast. a call for early will help keep the steady rain away from us. we will see temperatures not in the mid 80's tomorrow, but in the 70's. we will have the dampness in the air. we'll have daily chances for showers, maybe a heavy downpour, but no thunderstorms expected. the problem will be the stationary front. there'll be more for concentrated on the front side of this front. on the need is a little disturbance from the ocean to
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fire up the possibility of some steady rain. heading's throughout the day tomorrow, morning sun, afternoon clouds, and the next seven days things will change with chances of showers straight through friday and made an -- maybe even into saturday. that is what the redskins have to do, moving forward. >> they struggled yesterday. the score was a lot closer than the game was. there were trying to figure out what happened in new york yesterday, but the bottom line is they made too many mistakes, sloppy with the ball, slot with tackling, and a are 0-1. 23-17 is not really indicative of what happened. they had two turnovers in the second quarter yesterday. these debts were not bad, but
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the turnovers were deadly. -- the stats were not bad. the secondary played soft, gave too much cushion, and the lack of tackling was a really bad. that was the problem yesterday and it showed. in the first half, trade and was right when he said the offensive lineid a good thing in this play. -- in the first half tory aikman was right. >> it jason was doing the right thing looking for the underneath check down. either it got screen or he could not see it. -- either it got screened. >> i guess he was supposed to throw it up in the coverage. there were covered downfield and our backs got out there. a guy made a great play yesterday. >>the front seven was a lid.
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what was he doing on the sidelines so much? it is a different defense when he is on the field. he kept taking himself under the game because he is out of shape. >> i would get tired and come out -- come out. [inaudible] it doesn't really matter because we did not win. i do not care how i played. >> what is up with that? a $100 million contract? that answer let us to zorn we asked him about him. >> he weighs in three and 40 pounds and he is a load. -- he waves 340 pounds. he can get better and we will figure out as we go along, but i was not displeased with the type play he had on the field and really the amount. >> he is out of shape. six time pro bowler had surgery
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to repair a dislocated right wrist. mcknagg is so sore that he is having trouble breathing without pain. -- mcknabb. he is listed as doubtful to play this weekend. he once played four quarters on a broken ankle. he says he will play with broken ribs. the redskins did not play the eagles until october 26th. the rams lost to seattle 28-0 yesterday. the redskins are favored. a better play better than they've played yesterday. >> i think they will. we will see improvement as we week one and two. >> how are you out of shape for week one? >> that is a good question. the late senator ted kennedy and's member hits bookstores today.
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-- believe senator ted kennedy's memoir. >> the but imagine a three weeks after his passing. in his final days, he was still thinking about health reform when the great things i learned is that no reform is a virtually complete. he said that was the simple pleasures -- that it was the simple pleasures he was enjoying the most. he had some advice that was good to tell the kids. i have always tried to have one.
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we should enjoy the weather while we can. >> to the evening hours it will be very nice. temperatures will fall into the 70's. wednesday, it cold front will come into town. we will get stuck with things. clouds will be increasing, a chance of rain from thursday to friday. that will begin the 22nd. summer is just about over. >> we are enjoying it. >> enjoy it while you can.
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internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered.


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